Simply UK: A Summary Guide to UK Government Finances 2015/16 is being launched tonight at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales in the City of London.
How much is the Government going to spend this year? How does that compare with the amount raised in tax? What is austerity and how is the deficit being reduced? How much is the national debt and what is happening to it? What is the size of the economy anyway?
Transparency in public finances has frequently meant the provision of ever increasing amounts of financial information, without a focus on the need to make that information understandable. As a consequence, most of us know little about our government and how it is financed.
Simply UK aims to remedy that situation by providing a clear and concise summary of the UK Government’s financial position, using vivid and colourful charts to clearly explain how the national debt has grown by £1 trillion over the last decade and how economic growth, tax increases and austerity spending reductions are contributing to the Government’s objective of eliminating the deficit. It explains where the money comes from and where it goes. It also provides information about the EU Budget for 2015, the overall UK economy, and how the tax and welfare systems work.
Simply UK will be available for sale on Amazon from Monday 28 September 2015. Click here to order your copy.